Online Resources ================ .. grid:: 1 2 3 4 :gutter: 4 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: :img-top: :width: 100% :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Interactively explore playing networks and connections between jazz performers +++ .. button-ref:: trio-network-search :ref-type: any :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Performer networks .. grid-item-card:: :img-top: :width: 100% :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Listen to and watch performances annotated with our pipeline +++ .. button-ref:: example-outputs :ref-type: any :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Example outputs .. grid-item-card:: :img-top: :width: 100% :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Explore the predictions made by our model for each track in our database +++ .. button-link:: :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Track predictions .. grid-item-card:: :img-top: :width: 100% :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Use an interactive table to explore features extracted from tracks in our database +++ .. button-ref:: data-explorer :ref-type: any :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Data explorer .. toctree:: :hidden: Performer networks Example outputs Audio mixer