Separate executable .py file for creating combined audio-video stimuli from all raw datasets
Uses FFmpeg to mux raw audio and video footage from each performance in the corpus together. |
- class src.muxer.AVMuxer(input_dir, output_dir, keys_ext: str = 'Delay', drms_ext: str = 'Delay', **kwargs)
Uses FFmpeg to mux raw audio and video footage from each performance in the corpus together.
- _check_filesize(fname: str, performance: str, max_fsize: int = 75)
Checks size of a muxed video and raises a warning if it’s suspicously large (encoding issue)
- _create_output_folder() str
Creates an output folder according to the given parameters
- static _get_audio_fpath(filename: str) str
Returns the type of audio that is described by this filename
- static _get_dict_key(dirpath: str, chars: tuple[str] = ('d', 's', 'l', 'j')) str
Gets the key for our dictionary of filenames. Format is in the form: duoX_sessionX_latencyX_jitterX
- _get_matched_fnames() dict
For every performance, matches audio and video filenames for both performers
- _get_output_timestamp(v: dict) None
If the given output timestamp video is longer than the duration of the input videos, set this to the duration
- _get_performances_to_mux(duos: tuple, jitter: tuple, latency: tuple, sessions: tuple) dict
Gets the filenames of performances to mux from given input iterables
- _get_video_crop_params(perf: str) tuple
Gets the crop parameters from the given arguments
- static _get_video_duration(filename: str) str
Gets the duration of an input video using ffprobe, in the format HH:MM:SS
- static _get_video_fpath(filename: str, key: list) str
Returns the type of video that is described by this filename
- _log_progress_bar(current: float, end: float, perf: str) None
Logs current progress of the ffmpeg conversion, including current time, overall duration, and a progress bar
- _mux_performance(k: str, v: dict, fname: str) None
Combine both video files together
- _read_ffmpeg_output(process: Popen, k: str, timeout_mins: int = 3)
Reads the output from ffmpeg, line by line, and logs a progress bar
- static _read_timedelta(line: str) float
Converts the reported time in ffmpeg to a Python timedelta object and gets number of seconds
- mux_all_performances(duos: tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), sessions: tuple = (1, 2), latency: tuple = (0, 23, 45, 90, 180), jitter: tuple = (0, 0.5, 1.0)) None
Muxes all performances together. Duos should be an iterable containing the duo numbers we want to mux.