# Building the documentation This page includes instructions on how to build the documentation files you are currently reading. ## Setting up ```{tip} If you've already followed the instructions in {ref}`Building the database `, you can skip this stage. ``` Clone our repository to a new directory on your local machine: ``` git clone https://github.com/HuwCheston/Jazz-Trio-Database ``` In the repository root directory, create a new virtual environment, enter it, and install project dependencies (these are required for `sphinx.ext.autodoc`): ``` pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper python -m venv venv python test_environment.py call venv\Scripts\activate.bat pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Install documentation requirements Run the following command to install the necessary packages for building the documentation (this includes `Sphinx`, the `pydata` theme, as well as a few common extensions like `myst_parser`): ``` pip install -r _docssrc\requirements.txt ``` ## Build documentation From the project root directory, run the following to build the documentation HTML files: ``` sphinx-apidoc -o .\_docssrc\src .\src sphinx-build .\_docssrc .\docs ``` You can now access the HTML files in `.\docs`. Start with `.\docs\index.html`, and navigate the rest of the site from there. :::{dropdown} Hosting on GitHub pages By default, the project documentation is set to build from the `main` branch, under the `.\docs` folder. You may need to add a `.nojekyll` file to this folder to see the custom templating, if this is not present already. :::