Data explorer#

Use the interactive table below to search through features extracted from JTD piano recordings. Clicking any row will open a new pop-up window containing interactive plots, audio, and metadata for the selected track. Make sure you allow pop-ups in your browser for this feature to work correctly!


Metadata Swing Complexity (4 measure, windowed) Feel (piano → instrument, % of measure) Interaction (phase coupling between instruments) Tempo
fname_placeholder Track Year Bandleader Pianist JTD-300 BUR (log2, mean) BUR (log2, SD) LZ77 (mean) LZ77 (SD) Density (mean) Density (SD) Bass (mean) Bass (SD) Drums (mean) Drums (SD) Piano→Piano Piano→Bass Piano→Drums Drums→Piano Bass→Piano Mean (BPM) Slope (BPM/s) Stability (s, SD) Missing (%)
Metadata Swing Complexity Feel Interaction Tempo