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Identifying hip-hop samples with deep learning
Sampling involves reusing recorded music or sounds from another source and is common in genres like hip-hop and rap. We trained a deep learning model to identify samples in a large music catalog from Spotify and developed an interactive web application to explore the predictions it made.
Teaching jazz improvisation with machine learning
A web application that uses a variety of machine learning models to intuitively show differences in style between 20 famous jazz musicians.
Jazz performer identification model
An automated pipeline that uses deep-learning assisted audio signal processing to identify the performer playing on a given jazz recording.
Jazz trio database
A dataset of 45 hours of commercial jazz recordings annotated using an automated signal processing pipeline
Music performance manipulation software
A new software platform for introducing controlled manipulations into multiple synchronised audio-video feeds during an experiment
Teaching: introduction to music & science workshop
Teaching materials for pre-university level workshop, introducing a variety of music information retrieval concepts in no-code interactive environments
Rhythmic Qualities of Jazz Improvisation Predict Performer Identity and Style in Source-Separated Audio Recordings.
Published in Royal Society Open Science, 2024
We demonstrate that a supervised learning model trained solely on rhythmic features extracted from 300 source-separated audio recordings of jazz pianists was capable of identifying the performer in 59% of cases, over five times better than chance.
Recommended citation: Cheston, H., Schlichting, J. L., Cross, I., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2024). Rhythmic Qualities of Jazz Improvisation Predict Performer Identity and Style in Source-Separated Audio Recordings. Royal Society Open Science, 11(11).
Jazz Trio Database: Automated Timing Annotation of Jazz Piano Trio Recordings Processed Using Audio Source Separation
Published in Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2024
We introduce the Jazz Trio Database, a dataset of 45 hours of jazz piano trio recordings with automatically generated annotations for every performer (piano soloist, bass and drums accompaniment) in the ensemble.
Recommended citation: Cheston H, Schlichting JL, Cross I, & Harrison PMC. Jazz Trio Database: Automated Annotation of Jazz Piano Trio Recordings Processed Using Audio Source Separation. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. 2024; 7(1), 144–158.
Trade-offs in Coordination Strategies for Duet Jazz Performances Subject to Network Delay and Jitter
Published in Music Perception, 2024
We show that five duos of professional jazz musicians adopt diverse strategies when confronted by the difficulties of coordinating performances over a network — difficulties that are not exclusive to networked performance, but are also present in other situations (such as when coordinating performances over large physical spaces).
Recommended citation: Cheston H, Cross I, & Harrison PMC. Trade-offs in Coordination Strategies for Duet Jazz Performances Subject to Network Delay and Jitter. Music Perception. 2024; 42(1), 48–72.
Automatic Identification of Samples in Hip-Hop Music via Multi-Loss Training and an Artificial Dataset
Preprint published on arXiv, 2025
We show that a convolutional neural network trained on an artificial dataset can identify real-world samples in commercial hip-hop music. Our model achieves 13% greater precision on real-world instances of sampling than a fingerprinting system using acoustic landmarks (Shazam-style), and can recognize samples that have been both pitch shifted and time stretched.
Recommended citation: Cheston H, Van Balen J, & Durand S. Automatic Identification of Samples in Hip-Hop Music via Multi-Loss Training and an Artificial Dataset. arXiv. 2025; arXiv:2502.06364 [cs.SD].
Understanding Jazz Improvisation Style with Explainable Music Performer Identification Models
Preprint published on arXiv, 2025
We construct a series of models to identify jazz performers from audio recordings, culminating in a multi-input convolutional neural network architecture that achieves state-of-the-art prediction accuracy (91\% success in identifying twenty famous jazz performers) with an interpretable structure that allows its predictions to be explained in terms of four fundamental musical domains (melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics).
Recommended citation: Cheston H, Bance R, & Harrison PMC. Understanding Jazz Improvisation Style with Explainable Music Performer Identification Models. arXiv. 2025; arXiv:COMING_SOON [cs.SD]. COMING_SOON
“Turning the beat around”: Time, temporality, and participation in the jazz solo break
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Measuring the effects of variable latency timings and jitter on networked music performances
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The effects of variable latency timings and jitter on networked musical performances.
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Coordination strategies in networked jazz performances.
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Modelling coordination strategies in improvised musical performances by skilled jazz groups
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An automated pipeline for characterizing timing in jazz trios.
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Characterizing jazz improvisation style through explainable performer identification models
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Supervisor and Guest Lecturer, Topics in Music & Science
Undergraduate course, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music, 2021
- Designed & delivered small-group supervisions on analysis of audio recordings
- Designed & delivered lecture on analysing audio recordings, involving introduction and demonstration of basic Music Information Retrieval concepts.
Supervisor and Guest Lecturer, Topics in Music & Science
Undergraduate course, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music, 2022
- Designed & delivered small-group supervisions for Undergraduate students on: (i) analysing audio recordings, (ii) introduction to programming in Python and R, (iii) visualising and simulating data, (iv) overall course revision
- Designed & delivered lecture on analysing audio recordings, involving introduction and demonstration of basic Music Information Retrieval concepts.
Workshop Leader, Music & Science
Pre-University Summer School, Sutton Trust, 2023
- Delivered workshop on audio signal analysis for summer school participants (A-Level equivalent)
Supervisor and Guest Lecturer, Topics in Music & Science
Undergraduate course, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music, 2023
- Designed & delivered small-group supervisions for Undergraduate students on: (i) analysing audio recordings, (ii) designing a research proposal, (iii) overall course revision
- Designed & delivered lecture on analysing audio recordings, involving introduction and demonstration of basic Music Information Retrieval concepts.
Dissertation co-superviser
Undergraduate course, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music, 2023
- Co-supervised final year undergraduate dissertation project on the automated harmonic analysis of jazz piano recordings in Cambridge Jazz Trio Database (Cheston et al., 2024).