Building the documentation#

This page includes instructions on how to build the documentation files you are currently reading.

Setting up#


If you’ve already followed the instructions in Building the database, you can skip this stage.

Clone our repository to a new directory on your local machine:

git clone

In the repository root directory, create a new virtual environment, enter it, and install project dependencies (these are required for sphinx.ext.autodoc):

pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
python -m venv venv
call venv\Scripts\activate.bat
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install documentation requirements#

Run the following command to install the necessary packages for building the documentation (this includes Sphinx, the pydata theme, as well as a few common extensions like myst_parser):

pip install -r _docssrc\requirements.txt

Build documentation#

From the project root directory, run the following to build the documentation HTML files:

sphinx-apidoc -o .\_docssrc\src .\src
sphinx-build .\_docssrc .\docs

You can now access the HTML files in .\docs. Start with .\docs\index.html, and navigate the rest of the site from there.

Hosting on GitHub pages

By default, the project documentation is set to build from the main branch, under the .\docs folder. You may need to add a .nojekyll file to this folder to see the custom templating, if this is not present already.