src.detect package#
src.detect.detect_onsets module#
src.detect.detect_utils module#
src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters module#
Optimises the parameters used in onset detection by running a large-scale search using ground truth files
- class src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters.OptimizeBeatTrackRNN(items: dict, **kwargs)#
Optimizes the OnsetMaker.beat_track_rnn function
- analyze_track(item: dict, **kwargs) dict #
Detect beats in one track using a given combination of parameters.
- args = [('threshold', <class 'float'>, 0, 1, 0.05), ('transition_lambda', <class 'float'>, 0, 500, 5), ('passes', <class 'int'>, 1, 5, 3)]#
- audio_cutoff = 60#
- csv_name: str = ''#
- static enable_logger() Logger #
- get_f_score(onsetmaker) float #
Returns F-score between detected onsets and manual annotation file
- instr = 'mix'#
- joblib_backend = 'threading'#
- log_iteration(cached_ids: list, f_scores: list) None #
Log the results from a single iteration
- lookup_results_from_cache(params: dict) tuple[list, list] #
Returns lists of IDs and F-scores for tracks that have already been processed with this set of parameters
- n_jobs = 1#
- objective_function(x: ndarray, _) float #
Objective function for maximising F-score of detected onsets
- return_kwargs(x: ndarray) dict #
Formats arguments from NLopt into the required keyword argument format
- run_optimization() tuple[dict, float] #
Runs optimization in NLopt
- class src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters.OptimizeOnsetDetectCNN(items: dict, instr: str, **kwargs)#
Optimizes the OnsetMaker.onset_detect_cnn function for a single instrument
- analyze_track(item: dict, **kwargs) dict #
Detect onsets in one track using a given combination of parameters.
- args = [('threshold', <class 'float'>, 0, 10, 0.54), ('smooth', <class 'float'>, 0, 2, 0.05), ('pre_avg', <class 'float'>, 0, 2, 0), ('post_avg', <class 'float'>, 0, 2, 0), ('pre_max', <class 'float'>, 0, 2, 0.01), ('post_max', <class 'float'>, 0, 2, 0.01)]#
- audio_cutoff = None#
- csv_name: str = ''#
- static enable_logger() Logger #
- fps = 100#
- get_f_score(onsetmaker) float #
Returns F-score between detected onsets and manual annotation file
- joblib_backend = 'threading'#
- log_iteration(cached_ids: list, f_scores: list) None #
Log the results from a single iteration
- lookup_results_from_cache(params: dict) tuple[list, list] #
Returns lists of IDs and F-scores for tracks that have already been processed with this set of parameters
- n_jobs = -1#
- objective_function(x: ndarray, _) float #
Objective function for maximising F-score of detected onsets
- return_kwargs(x: ndarray) dict #
Formats arguments from NLopt into the required keyword argument format
- run_optimization() tuple[dict, float] #
Runs optimization in NLopt
- class src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters.Optimizer(items: list[dict], instr: str, args: list[tuple], **kwargs)#
Base class for non-linear optimization of parameters
- analyze_track(item: dict, **kwargs) dict #
Placeholder for analysis function, run in parallel; overridden in child classes
- audio_cutoff = None#
- csv_name = ''#
- static enable_logger() Logger #
- get_f_score(onsetmaker) float #
Returns F-score between detected onsets and manual annotation file
- joblib_backend = 'threading'#
- log_iteration(cached_ids: list, f_scores: list) None #
Log the results from a single iteration; overriden in child classes
- lookup_results_from_cache(params: dict) tuple[list, list] #
Returns lists of IDs and F-scores for tracks that have already been processed with this set of parameters
- n_jobs = -1#
- objective_function(x: ndarray, _) float #
Objective function for maximising F-score of detected onsets
- return_kwargs(x: ndarray) dict #
Formats arguments from NLopt into the required keyword argument format
- run_optimization() tuple[dict, float] #
Runs optimization in NLopt
- src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters.optimize_beat_tracking(tracks: list[dict], **kwargs) None #
Central function for optimizing onset detection across all reference tracks and instrument stems
- Arguments:
tracks (list[dict]): the metadata for the tracks to be used in optimization **kwargs: passed onto optimization class
- src.detect.optimise_detection_parameters.optimize_onset_detection_cnn(tracks: list[dict], **kwargs) None #
Central function for optimizing onset detection across all reference tracks and instrument stems
- Arguments:
tracks (list[dict]): the metadata for the tracks to be used in optimization **kwargs: passed onto optimization class