src.visualise package#


src.visualise.asynchrony_plots module#

Classes used for plotting asynchrony and rhythmic feel

class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.BarPlotProportionalAsynchrony(async_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Create a barplot showing the proportional asynchrony between different instruments at all beat levels

BAR_KWS = {'dodge': True, 'errorbar': None, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 5}#
ERROR_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 15}#
static _add_notation_vals() list#

Creates a generator of image objects (consisting of musical notation values) to be added to the plot

_bootstrap() list#

Bootstrap the asynchrony values

_bootstrap_errorbars() None#

Bootstrap the errorbars for the plot and add them in


Create the main plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.HistPlotProportionalAsynchrony(async_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a histogram plot of proportional asynchrony values

FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.1, 'zorder': 0}#
PLOT_KWS = {'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 5}#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': 'dashed', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'zorder': 4}#
_add_images() None#

Add notation images into the plot

_create_plot() None#

Create the main plot

static _find_peaks(x, y) array#

Find peaks from a fitted KDE and sort them

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters


Format figure-level parameters

static _kde(vals: array) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate on a linear space of integers, then scale

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.HistPlotProportionalAsynchronyTriosPiano(async_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates density plots for each pianist, showing asynchrony with both accompanying instruments

FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.1, 'zorder': 5}#
PLOT_KWS = {'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 10}#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': 'dashed', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'zorder': 1}#
XTICKLABELS = ['-25.0%', '-12.5%', '-6.2%', '$\\pm$0%', '6.2%', '12.5%', '25.0%']#
XTICKS = [-0.0625, -0.03125, -0.015625, 0, 0.015625, 0.03125, 0.0625]#
_add_bandleader_images(bl: str, ax: Axes, y: float = 0.5) None#

Adds images corresponding with each bandleader bl to the provided axis object ax

_add_notation_images(y: float = 5.7) None#

Adds images corresponding with notation values to the plot

_create_plot() None#

Create the main plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level parameters

static _kde(vals: array, bw_adjust: float = 1.2) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate on a linear space of integers, then scale between 0 and 1

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.PolarPlotAsynchrony(async_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates the “propeller” plot of asynchrony values across different beat levels

ARROW_KWS = {'arrowstyle': '-|>', 'color': '#000000', 'connectionstyle': 'arc3,rad=-0.39269908169872414', 'coordsA': 'figure fraction', 'coordsB': 'figure fraction', 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 4, 'mutation_scale': 16}#
CIRCLE_FILL_KWS = {'fc': '#FFFFFF', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 5}#
CIRCLE_LINE_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'markerfacecolor': '#FFFFFF', 'markersize': 0.1, 'zorder': 10}#
CIRCLE_PADDING_RANGE = range(5, 17, 2)#
FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.1, 'step': 'pre', 'zorder': 3}#
LINE_KWS = {'drawstyle': 'steps-pre', 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
_add_center_circle() None#

Plot a filled circle at the center of the plot

_create_plot() None#

Create the main plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Adjust figure-level parameters

_format_ticks() None#

Format ticks on the radial axis

_kde(data: array, len_data: int = 1000) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.RegPlotPianistAsynchrony(async_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Create a regression plot showing association between accompaniment-soloist asynchrony and tempo

FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 0, 'zorder': 5}#
FORMULA = "diff ~ tempo_standard * C(instr, Treatment(reference='bass'))"#
HIST_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'kde': False, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'ls': '-', 'lw': 4, 'zorder': 5}#
N_BOOT = 10000#
RE_STRUCT = "0 + tempo_standard + C(instr, Treatment(reference='bass'))"#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 0.8, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': ['bass', 'drums'], 'markers': ['s', 'D'], 'palette': ['#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 40, 'zorder': 3}#
static _add_notation_vals() list#

Adds notation values into the plot

_create_main_plot() None#

Creates the main axis plot


Plots histograms and density estimates onto the marginal axis

_create_plot() None#

Creates both main and marginal axis


Sets axis-level parameters for both main and marginal axis

_format_bootstrap_lines(boot_models: list) list#

Formats data from a series of bootstrapped models into one dataframe of errors

_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level properties


Sets axis-level parameters for the main plot


Formats axis-level properties for marginal axis

_get_bootstrapped_sample() list#

Returns bootstrapped samples of the full dataset

_get_line(md) list#

Create the line for the regression model, with interaction effects


Fit the regression model

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.asynchrony_plots.ScatterPlotAsynchronyTrack(onset_maker, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a scatter plot for all onset values within a given track, similar to those in OnsetSync R package

_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: scatter plot of each instrument

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
format_df() list#

Formats provided onset maker into correct dataframe format for plotting

g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
wraparound = 0.9#

src.visualise.bur_plots module#

Classes used for plotting beat-upbeat ratios

class src.visualise.bur_plots.BarPlotBUR(bur_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Create a bar chart showing average beat-upbeat ratio values

BAR_KWS = {'alpha': 0.8, 'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': ('ci', 95), 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 'seed': 42, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 1}#
_create_plot() None#

Create the plot in seaborn

_format_ax() None#

Set axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

add_bur_images(y: float) list#

Adds images for required BUR values at given position y

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.bur_plots.HistPlotBURByInstrument(bur: DataFrame, peaks: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates density plots of BUR values obtained for each instrument

BURS_WITH_IMAGES = [0.5, 1, 2, 3]#
HIST_KWS = {'align': 'edge', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1.0, 'zorder': 2}#
KDE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'color': '#000000', 'linestyle': 'dashed', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'zorder': 4}#
_add_peaks(ax: Axes, ins: str) None#

Adds peaks onto the given axis object ax, for the given instrument ins

_create_plot() None#

Creates the histogram and kde plots

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level properties

static _kde(data, len_data: int = 1000) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate on a list of y-values, then scale

add_bur_images(y: float) list#

Adds images for required BUR values

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.bur_plots.HistPlotBURTrack(onset_maker, **kwargs)#

Bases: HistPlotBURByInstrument

BURS_WITH_IMAGES = [0.5, 1, 2, 3]#
HIST_KWS = {'align': 'edge', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1.0, 'zorder': 2}#
KDE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'color': '#000000', 'linestyle': 'dashed', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'zorder': 4}#
_add_peaks(ax: Axes, ins: str) None#

Adds peaks onto the given axis object ax, for the given instrument ins

_create_plot() None#

Creates the histogram and kde plots


Formats axis-level properties

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level properties

static _kde(data, len_data: int = 1000) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate on a list of y-values, then scale

add_bur_images(y: float) list#

Adds images for required BUR values

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
static format_df(om)#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.bur_plots.RegPlotBURTempo(bur_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a graph showing tempo vs mean BUR, with marginal distributions

BURS_WITH_IMAGES = [0.5, 1, 2]#
FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 0}#
HIST_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'kde': False, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'ls': '-', 'lw': 4}#
MODEL = "bur_mean ~ tempo_standard * C(instrument_, Treatment(reference='piano'))"#
N_BOOT = 10000#
RE_FORMULA = "0 + tempo_standard + C(instrument_, Treatment(reference='piano'))"#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 0.2, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'markers': ['o', 's', 'D'], 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 20, 'zorder': 1}#
_create_main_plot() None#

Plots regression and scatter plot onto the main axis, with bootstrapped errorbars

_create_marginal_plots() None#

Plots histograms and density estimates onto the marginal axis

_create_plot() None#

Creates the main and marginal plots

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties

_format_bootstrap_lines(big: list) list#

Formats data from a series of bootstrapped models into one dataframe of errors

_format_df(bur_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Formats the dataframe of raw BUR values


Format figure-level properties

_format_main_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties for the main axis

_format_marginal_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties for marginal axis

_get_bootstrapped_sample() list#

Returns bootstrapped samples of the full dataset

_get_line(model) list#

Creates data for a straight line by predicting values from a mixed effects model

_mixedlm(model_data: DataFrame)#

Creates a mixed effects model with given parameters from a dataset

add_bur_images(y: float)#

Adds images for required BUR values at given position y

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.bur_plots.ViolinPlotBURs(bur_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Plots the distribution of BUR values obtained for each musician on a specific instrument

BURS_WITH_IMAGES = [0.5, 1, 2, 3]#
EBAR_KWS = {'capsize': 5, 'capthick': 3.0, 'color': '#FF0000', 'ecolor': '#FF0000', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'ls': 'none', 'zorder': 10}#
PAL = [[0.9580211818737975, 0.8501356431005291, 0.877101648116473], [0.955171839712585, 0.8415374240303407, 0.8736946272095586], [0.9512844932165598, 0.8306464329955993, 0.8697166726823993], [0.9478884723961996, 0.8218246986542052, 0.8667478638501572], [0.9432510664088574, 0.8106685207858567, 0.8632863404249106], [0.9392013111857155, 0.8016453063819227, 0.8607018249439392], [0.9336792460992013, 0.7902494473754927, 0.8576793511036892], [0.9288675055384978, 0.7810431689566265, 0.8554089900345787], [0.9223247801972811, 0.7694276349378844, 0.8527272291989232], [0.9166416838919914, 0.7600514535538325, 0.8506835112348358], [0.908940783741381, 0.7482284944597425, 0.8482215390898507], [0.9022755558662785, 0.7386883123029254, 0.8462980788342536], [0.8932767987288097, 0.7266596199400949, 0.843910192030774], [0.8855164505347134, 0.7169515555397499, 0.8419796609321726], [0.8750765440408986, 0.7047046760243042, 0.8394922859072622], [0.8661043006428414, 0.6948117758207528, 0.8374034319249332], [0.8540737278478931, 0.6823153498232009, 0.8346105866344263], [0.843766300585397, 0.6722031398767139, 0.8321837819457866], [0.8299849094750271, 0.6594003287549722, 0.8288401817311974], [0.8182079663799163, 0.6490105365535362, 0.8258605486703084]]#
SCAT_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'facecolor': '#FF0000', 'lw': 1.0, 's': 100, 'zorder': 15}#
VP_KWS = {'showextrema': False, 'showmeans': False, 'vert': False}#
_add_bandleader_images(bl: str, y: float) None#

Adds images corresponding to a given bandleader bl at position y

_add_nburs_to_tick() None#

Add the total number of BURs gathered for each musician next to their name

_create_plot() None#

Creates violinplot in seaborn

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level properties

_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level properties


Adds images for required BUR values

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#

src.visualise.complexity_plots module#

Classes used for plotting inter-onset interval complexity

class src.visualise.complexity_plots.BarPlotComplexityDensity(complex_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Createa a barplot showing levels of complexity and density for each instrument

BAR_KWS = {'alpha': 0.8, 'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': ('ci', 95), 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'n_boot': 10000, 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 'seed': 42, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates plots in seaborn

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.complexity_plots.BarPlotTotalBins(ioi_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a barplot showing the number of inter-onset intervals contained within each bin

BAR_KWS = {'color': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'kind': 'bar', 'label': 'Bin', 'lw': 2, 'stacked': True, 'ylabel': 'Count', 'zorder': 10}#
_add_notation_images(y: int = 155000) None#

Adds notation images to plot at given position y


This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/notation'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.complexity_plots.HistPlotBins(ioi_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a histogram showing the density of inter-onset intervals across each bin for all instruments

HIST_KWS = {'align': 'edge', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1.0, 'zorder': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'color': '#000000', 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
PALETTE = ['#000000', (0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745), (0.8901960784313725, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7607843137254902), (0.5490196078431373, 0.33725490196078434, 0.29411764705882354), (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353), (0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392), (0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313), (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725), (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765), '#000000']#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'linewidth': 1.3333333333333333, 'zorder': 4}#
_create_plot() None#

Create the main plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.complexity_plots.HistPlotBinsTrack(onset_maker, **kwargs)#

Bases: HistPlotBins

HIST_KWS = {'align': 'edge', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1.0, 'zorder': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'color': '#000000', 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
PALETTE = ['#000000', (0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745, 0.4980392156862745), (0.8901960784313725, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7607843137254902), (0.5490196078431373, 0.33725490196078434, 0.29411764705882354), (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353), (0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392), (0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313), (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725), (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765), '#000000']#
VLINE_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'linewidth': 1.3333333333333333, 'zorder': 4}#
_create_plot() None#

Create the main plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level properties

static _kde(data, len_data: int = 1000) tuple#

Fit the KDE to the data and evaluate on a list of y-values, then scale

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.complexity_plots.RegPlotTempoDensityComplexity(average_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a regression plot showing associations between tempo, density, and complexity scores

HIST_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'kde': False, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 4, 'zorder': 5}#
REG_KWS = {'ci': 95, 'n_boot': 10000, 'scatter': False}#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'markers': ['o', 's', 'D'], 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 40, 'style_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'zorder': 3}#
TEXT_BBOX = {'boxstyle': 'round,pad=1', 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'facecolor': '#FFFFFF', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
_add_regression_coeff(var_: str, ax: Axes, xpos: float) None#

Adds regression plot between tempo and given variable var_ onto axis object ax at position xpos

_create_main_plot() None#

Creates main plotting object (scatter and regression plots)

_create_marginal_plot() None#

Creates marginal plotting objects (density plots)

_create_plot() None#

Creates both main and marginal plot

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters for both main and marginal ax

_format_fig() None#

Format figure level parameters

_format_main_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters for main plot

_format_marginal_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters for marginal ax

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.complexity_plots.ViolinPlotOnsetComplexity(complex_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

EBAR_KWS = {'capsize': 5, 'capthick': 3.0, 'color': '#FF0000', 'ecolor': '#FF0000', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'ls': 'none', 'zorder': 10}#
KDE_KWS = {'bw_method': 'scott', 'cut': 0, 'density_norm': 'count', 'gridsize': 10000, 'hue': True, 'hue_order': [True, False], 'inner': None, 'legend': False, 'linecolor': '#000000', 'palette': [[0.9580211818737975, 0.8501356431005291, 0.877101648116473], [0.955171839712585, 0.8415374240303407, 0.8736946272095586], [0.9512844932165598, 0.8306464329955993, 0.8697166726823993], [0.9478884723961996, 0.8218246986542052, 0.8667478638501572], [0.9432510664088574, 0.8106685207858567, 0.8632863404249106], [0.9392013111857155, 0.8016453063819227, 0.8607018249439392], [0.9336792460992013, 0.7902494473754927, 0.8576793511036892], [0.9288675055384978, 0.7810431689566265, 0.8554089900345787], [0.9223247801972811, 0.7694276349378844, 0.8527272291989232], [0.9166416838919914, 0.7600514535538325, 0.8506835112348358], [0.908940783741381, 0.7482284944597425, 0.8482215390898507], [0.9022755558662785, 0.7386883123029254, 0.8462980788342536], [0.8932767987288097, 0.7266596199400949, 0.843910192030774], [0.8855164505347134, 0.7169515555397499, 0.8419796609321726], [0.8750765440408986, 0.7047046760243042, 0.8394922859072622], [0.8661043006428414, 0.6948117758207528, 0.8374034319249332], [0.8540737278478931, 0.6823153498232009, 0.8346105866344263], [0.843766300585397, 0.6722031398767139, 0.8321837819457866], [0.8299849094750271, 0.6594003287549722, 0.8288401817311974], [0.8182079663799163, 0.6490105365535362, 0.8258605486703084]], 'split': True}#
PAL = [[0.9580211818737975, 0.8501356431005291, 0.877101648116473], [0.955171839712585, 0.8415374240303407, 0.8736946272095586], [0.9512844932165598, 0.8306464329955993, 0.8697166726823993], [0.9478884723961996, 0.8218246986542052, 0.8667478638501572], [0.9432510664088574, 0.8106685207858567, 0.8632863404249106], [0.9392013111857155, 0.8016453063819227, 0.8607018249439392], [0.9336792460992013, 0.7902494473754927, 0.8576793511036892], [0.9288675055384978, 0.7810431689566265, 0.8554089900345787], [0.9223247801972811, 0.7694276349378844, 0.8527272291989232], [0.9166416838919914, 0.7600514535538325, 0.8506835112348358], [0.908940783741381, 0.7482284944597425, 0.8482215390898507], [0.9022755558662785, 0.7386883123029254, 0.8462980788342536], [0.8932767987288097, 0.7266596199400949, 0.843910192030774], [0.8855164505347134, 0.7169515555397499, 0.8419796609321726], [0.8750765440408986, 0.7047046760243042, 0.8394922859072622], [0.8661043006428414, 0.6948117758207528, 0.8374034319249332], [0.8540737278478931, 0.6823153498232009, 0.8346105866344263], [0.843766300585397, 0.6722031398767139, 0.8321837819457866], [0.8299849094750271, 0.6594003287549722, 0.8288401817311974], [0.8182079663799163, 0.6490105365535362, 0.8258605486703084]]#
SCAT_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'facecolor': '#FF0000', 'lw': 1.0, 's': 100, 'zorder': 15}#
_add_bandleader_images(ax, bl: str, y: float) None#

Adds images corresponding to a given bandleader bl at position y


This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


Format axis-level properties

static _format_df(df)#
_format_fig() None#

Format figure-level properties

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#

src.visualise.coordination_plots module#

Classes used for plotting ensemble coordination, e.g. phase correction, simulations

class src.visualise.coordination_plots.BarPlotCouplingCoefficients(model_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates bar plot of all coupling coefficients

BAR_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'dodge': True, 'ec': '#000000', 'errorbar': None, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: bar and scatter plot

_format_ax() None#

Set axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.BarPlotModelComparison(model_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.1, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': ('ci', 95), 'errwidth': 2, 'estimator': <function nanmean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'lw': 2, 'n_boot': 10, 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 'seed': 1, 'width': 0.8}#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


This function should contain the code for formatting the objects


This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.BarPlotSimulationComparison(all_sims, all_params: list, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates barplot comparing between different simulation parameters

BAR_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': ('ci', 95), 'estimator': <function mean>, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'seed': 42, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
HATCHES = ['', '/', '\\', '|', '', '']#
PAL = ['#6fcbdc', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF', '#6fcbdc', '#6fcbdc']#
TRIANGLE_KWS = {'add_text': False, 'arrow_mod': 7.5, 'head_width': 7.5, 'len_mod': 0.8, 'starting_zoom': 0.3}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: a combination of bar plot and custom TriangleAxis

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for all axis objects

static _format_df(all_sims: list) DataFrame#

Coerces provided list of Simulation objects all_sims into a dataframe of RMS asynchrony values

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

static _format_params(param_dict: dict) DataFrame#

Format the parameters for a given TriangleAxis plot

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.HistPlotCouplingTerms(coupling_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates histogram plot showing differences in coupling coefficients extracted from models

HIST_KWS = {'align': 'edge', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1.0, 'zorder': 2}#
KDE_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': '-', 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 3}#
TITLES = ['Self coupling ($\\alpha_{i,i}$)', 'Partner coupling ($\\alpha_{i,j}$)', 'Intercept ($\\alpha_{i,0}$)']#
_create_plot() None#

Creates main plotting object

_format_ax() None#

Format axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

static _hist(dat: array, n_bins: int = 30) tuple#

Creates histogram for given data, returns histogram edges, heights, and widths

static _kde(dat, len_data: int = 1000) tuple#

Creates KDE and fits to linear space of values, then scales between 0 and 1

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.RegPlotCouplingGrangerCross(model_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Create a regression plot showing associations between phase correction, Granger causality and cross-corr

COUPLING_COLS = ['coupling_piano', 'coupling_bass', 'coupling_drums']#
CROSS_COLS = ['cross_corr_piano_r', 'cross_corr_bass_r', 'cross_corr_drums_r']#
GRANGER_COLS = ['granger_causality_piano_i', 'granger_causality_bass_i', 'granger_causality_drums_i']#
HIST_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'kde': False, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 4, 'zorder': 5}#
REG_KWS = {'ci': 95, 'n_boot': 10000, 'scatter': False}#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'markers': ['o', 's', 'D'], 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 40, 'style_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'zorder': 3}#
TEXT_BBOX = {'boxstyle': 'round,pad=1', 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'facecolor': '#FFFFFF', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
_add_regression_coeff(var: str, ax: Axes, xpos: float) None#

Adds regression coefficient between coupling and given variable var to axis ax at position xpos

_create_main_plot() None#

Creates main plotting object: regression and scatter plot between Granger, phase correction, cross-corr


Creates marginal plot: density of all variables

_create_plot() None#

Creates both main and marginal plotting objects

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for both main and marginal plots

_format_df(model_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Coerces provided model_df dataframe into correct format

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters for plot

_format_main_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for main plots (scatter/regression line)

_format_marginal_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for marginal plots (histogram/density)

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.RegPlotCouplingHalves(halves_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Create a regression plot showing relationship between coupling in two halves of a piece

HIST_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'color': '#000000', 'kde': False, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
LINE_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 4, 'zorder': 5}#
REG_KWS = {'ci': 95, 'n_boot': 10000, 'scatter': False}#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 0.8, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'markers': ['o', 's', 'D'], 'palette': ['#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 40, 'style_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'zorder': 3}#
TEXT_BBOX = {'boxstyle': 'round,pad=1', 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'facecolor': '#FFFFFF', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
_add_regression_text() None#

Adds regression text to main axis

_create_main_plot() None#

Creates the main plot: scatter and regression plots

_create_marginal_plot() None#

Creates the marginal plot: density plots

_create_plot() None#

Creates both main and marginal plots

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level paramters for both main and marginal plot

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

_format_main_ax() None#

Formats axis-level paramters on main plot

_format_marginal_ax() None#

Formats axis-level paramters on marginal plot

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.TriangleAxis(grp: DataFrame, ax: Axes, **kwargs)#

Bases: object

This class plots a single axes, showing the measured couplings between each musician in a trio.

The direction of arrows indicates the influence and influencer instruments, namely the tendency of one performer to follow (and adapt to) the indicated instrument: the thickness and colour of the arrows indicate the strength of this coupling. This graph is similar to Figure 3b. in Jacoby, Polak, & London (2021).


grp (pd.DataFrame): the dataframe to plot, should contain information from one ensemble only. ax (plt.Axes): the axes object to plot onto.


Jacoby, N., Polak, R., & London, J. (2021). Extreme precision in rhythmic interaction is enabled by role-optimized sensorimotor coupling: Analysis and modelling of West African drum ensemble music. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1835), 20200331.


Adds in text to the center of the plot

_add_coupling_coefficient_text(constant, x, x2, y, y2, mod: float = 0.03, rotation: float = 0) None#

Adds coupling coefficient text into the plot

_add_musicians_images() None#

Adds images corresponding to each performer in the trio

_create_plot() None#

Creates the plot arrows and annotations, according to the modelled coupling responses.

_get_coupling_coefficient(influenced: str, influencer: str) tuple[float, float, float]#

Helper function to get the coupling coefficient between two instruments, the influencer and influenced.

create_plot() Axes#

Called from outside the class to generate the required plot elements, show them, and save

img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.TrianglePlotChronology(df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a triangle plot for each trio combination in the chronology corpus


Create a _TriangleAxis object for each trio

_format_ax() None#

This function should contain the code for formatting the objects


Format figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.coordination_plots.TrianglePlotTrack(onset_maker)#

Bases: BasePlot

BAR_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'dodge': True, 'ec': '#000000', 'errorbar': None, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['piano', 'bass', 'drums']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph

_format_ax() None#

Set axis-level parameters

static _format_df(om)#
_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#

src.visualise.corpus_plots module#

Plotting classes for corpus description, e.g. F-measures, API scraping results etc.

class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotBandleaderDuration(cleaned_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates barplot showing duration of recordings by bandleaders included in the corpus

BAR_KWS = {'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'estimator': <function sum>, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'orient': 'h', 'zorder': 5}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: bar chart of bandleader recording length

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

static _format_df(cleaned_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Coerces dataframe into correct format for plotting

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

abbreviate(s) str#

Abbreviates a name to surname, first initial

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
static initials(a) str#

Converts a list of strings of arbitrary length to their first initial

output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotCorpusDuration(corp_df: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates bar plot showing duration of recordings by each bandleader

BAR_KWS = {'color': ['#FF0000', '#008000'], 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'lw': 2, 'stacked': True, 'zorder': 10}#
PERC_KWS = {'color': '#FFFFFF', 'fontsize': 18, 'ha': 'center', 'va': 'center', 'zorder': 10}#
_add_bandleader_images(bl: str, y: float) None#

Adds image for a given pianist bl at position y

_add_percentage() None#

Adds percentage of recording duration for each pianist included in corpus

_create_plot() Axes#

Creates main plot object

_format_ax() None#

Set axis-level parameters

static _format_df(corp_df_: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Coerces corpus into correct format for plotting

_format_fig() None#

Set figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotFScores(**kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates bar plot showing F-scores for all reference tracks and instruments

_create_plot() None#

Creates plotting objects: bar and scatter plot

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_df() list#

Coerces f-scores into correct formats

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotLastFMStreams(streams_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates plot of total LastFM streams for top-20 most-tagged bandleaders

BAR_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'palette': <list_reverseiterator object>, 'zorder': 5}#
PAL = [[0.9580211818737975, 0.8501356431005291, 0.877101648116473], [0.955171839712585, 0.8415374240303407, 0.8736946272095586], [0.9512844932165598, 0.8306464329955993, 0.8697166726823993], [0.9478884723961996, 0.8218246986542052, 0.8667478638501572], [0.9432510664088574, 0.8106685207858567, 0.8632863404249106], [0.9392013111857155, 0.8016453063819227, 0.8607018249439392], [0.9336792460992013, 0.7902494473754927, 0.8576793511036892], [0.9288675055384978, 0.7810431689566265, 0.8554089900345787], [0.9223247801972811, 0.7694276349378844, 0.8527272291989232], [0.9166416838919914, 0.7600514535538325, 0.8506835112348358], [0.908940783741381, 0.7482284944597425, 0.8482215390898507], [0.9022755558662785, 0.7386883123029254, 0.8462980788342536], [0.8932767987288097, 0.7266596199400949, 0.843910192030774], [0.8855164505347134, 0.7169515555397499, 0.8419796609321726], [0.8750765440408986, 0.7047046760243042, 0.8394922859072622], [0.8661043006428414, 0.6948117758207528, 0.8374034319249332], [0.8540737278478931, 0.6823153498232009, 0.8346105866344263], [0.843766300585397, 0.6722031398767139, 0.8321837819457866], [0.8299849094750271, 0.6594003287549722, 0.8288401817311974], [0.8182079663799163, 0.6490105365535362, 0.8258605486703084]]#
_create_plot() None#

Creates bar plot in seaborn

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotSoloDuration(df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.2, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': 'se', 'errwidth': 2.0, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'orient': 'h', 'palette': <list_reverseiterator object>, 'width': 0.8}#
PAL = [[0.8505451051321089, 0.8895930790140263, 0.9585823141183132], [0.8426515945511759, 0.8861974098513896, 0.9554412197250419], [0.8345997305311351, 0.8828179663439395, 0.952102289498725], [0.8263929652727889, 0.87945128459797, 0.9485577010472461], [0.8180348849581531, 0.8760936543510756, 0.9447997276878337], [0.8095291981644045, 0.8727411127683428, 0.9408207424646934], [0.8008797234840693, 0.8693894377292849, 0.9366132214879784], [0.7920903763020397, 0.8660341405252227, 0.932169746527862], [0.7831651546729191, 0.862670457875734, 0.9274830067903194], [0.7741081242339616, 0.8592933431599838, 0.9225457997929389], [0.7649234020792448, 0.8558974567438472, 0.9173510312494192], [0.7556151395094866, 0.8524771552663997, 0.9118917138601474], [0.7461875035587174, 0.8490264797290512, 0.9061609648930564], [0.7366446571835681, 0.8455391422068044, 0.9001520024234696], [0.7269907379826731, 0.8420085109730776, 0.8938581400833826], [0.7139531237435062, 0.837221517309369, 0.8850117542813849], [0.7040558076609195, 0.8335620167852427, 0.8780276042948364], [0.6940607195931869, 0.829834402862628, 0.870736853546773], [0.6839715977778802, 0.8260303313423172, 0.8631331242338904], [0.67379200911445, 0.8221409961136237, 0.8552100725619283], [0.6635253136916198, 0.8181570966028383, 0.8469613687686967], [0.6531746258665307, 0.8140688005488442, 0.8383806735473704], [0.6427427713842909, 0.809865701308027, 0.8294616103381306], [0.6322322399262439, 0.8055367687324069, 0.8201977328541621], [0.6216451323519154, 0.8010702924694993, 0.8105824870822115], [0.6109831017470833, 0.7964538162895859, 0.8006091668419522], [0.6002472872007145, 0.7916740617424325, 0.7902708617938855], [0.5894382389960169, 0.7867168390632532, 0.7795603965412788], [0.5785558336014756, 0.7815669427630931, 0.7684702591628727]]#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


This function should contain the code for formatting the objects


This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
static format_func(x, _)#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BarPlotSubjectiveRatings(**kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates bar plot showing subjective ratings for all reference tracks and instruments

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.1, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errcolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': ('ci', 95), 'errwidth': 2, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'n_boot': 10000, 'seed': 1, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 1}#
COLS = ['#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF']#
HATCHES = ['', '', '', '', '/', '/', '/', '/']#
_create_plot() Axes#

Creates barplot of subjective track ratings


Sets axis-level parameters

_format_df() DataFrame#

Formats data into correct format and returns a dataframe


Sets figure-level parameters

static _get_color(hex_code: str) list#

Returns colors for given str hex_code

static _get_legend_handles() list#

Gets handles for legend object

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.BoxPlotRecordingLength(cleaned_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates box plot showing distribution of recording durations for each bandleader

PAL = [[0.8505451051321089, 0.8895930790140263, 0.9585823141183132], [0.8263929652727889, 0.87945128459797, 0.9485577010472461], [0.7979652866047527, 0.8682716372841885, 0.9351586435271116], [0.7710605336801948, 0.8581637390918089, 0.9208431754633932], [0.7398381509604095, 0.8467060637182515, 0.9021863171613215], [0.7106651187449592, 0.8360087550056591, 0.8827173754189069], [0.6771950451280178, 0.8234474784836774, 0.8578869608205588], [0.6462289135757475, 0.8112801577549528, 0.8324726239436684], [0.6109831017470833, 0.7964538162895859, 0.8006091668419522], [0.5785558336014756, 0.7815669427630931, 0.7684702591628727]]#
TICKS = array([   0.,  300.,  600.,  900., 1200., 1500., 1800., 2100.])#
_add_bandleader_images(bl: str, y: int) None#

Adds images of pianist bl at given position y to main axis

_add_number_of_tracks(bl: str, y: int) None#

Adds text showing the number of tracks recorded by a bandleader bl, at position y

_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: box and scatter plot of recording durations per bandleader

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_bandleader(bl: str) str#

Formats the name of a given bandleader bl for use in axis ticks

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

static _format_time(nos: int, fmt: str = '%M:%S') str#

Formats the number of seconds nos into a string representation, in format fmt

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.CountPlotPanning(track_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates plot showing number of tracks with left-right stereo panning

LEGEND_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'framealpha': 1, 'frameon': True}#
_add_track_numbers() None#

Adds numbers to top of each bar

_create_plot() Axes#

Creates plot: stacked bar chart of panning directions

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.HistPlotRecordingYear(df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

BAR_KWS = {'binrange': [1945, 2015], 'bins': 8, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'multiple': 'dodge', 'palette': ['#FFFF00', '#0000FF'], 'stat': 'count', 'zorder': 5}#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


This function should contain the code for formatting the objects

static _format_df(df)#

This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.LinePlotOptimizationIterations(opt_fpath: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a line plot showing the results of the optimization procedure at all iterations of the algorithm

LINE_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'errorbar': None, 'hue_order': ['mix', 'piano', 'bass', 'drums'], 'ls': '-', 'lw': 4, 'palette': ['#000000', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 'zorder': 5}#
ORDER = ['mix', 'piano', 'bass', 'drums']#
SCATTER_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': ['mix', 'piano', 'bass', 'drums'], 'legend': False, 'linewidth': 2, 'markers': ['$M$', '$P$', '$B$', '$D$'], 'palette': ['#000000', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'], 's': 200, 'style_order': ['mix', 'piano', 'bass', 'drums']}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: line plot, with marker at final iteration

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

static _format_df(opt_fpath: str) list#

Opens up optimization results and coerces into a single dataframe for plotting

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

static _format_legend(ax: Axes, loc: str) None#

Formats legend for a given axis object ax, placed at location loc

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.SpecPlotBands(track: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Plots a spectrogram for a given track

_add_bands() None#

Adds bands showing the span of frequencies considered for each instrument

_create_plot() Axes#

Creates the spectrogram in Librosa

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_df() array#

Returns an array containing the spectrogram output

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.corpus_plots.TimelinePlotBandleaders(bandleaders_df: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates plots showing timeline for included bandleaders and recording dates

BAR_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'label': None, 'zorder': 0}#
PAL = <list_reverseiterator object>#
SCATTER_KWS = {'alpha': 1, 'color': '#000000', 'label': 'Recording', 'marker': 'x', 's': 50, 'zorder': 1}#
TEXT_KWS = {'fontsize': 15.0, 'ha': 'left', 'va': 'center', 'zorder': 2}#
_add_pianist_image(bandleader_name: str, x: float, y: float) None#

Adds image of given pianist bandleader_name to positions x and y

_create_plot() None#

Creates main plot: scatter and (broken) bar chart

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters

_format_corpus_df(bandleaders_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Coerces data into correct format for plotting recording dates

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

static _format_timeline_df(bandleaders_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Coerces data into correct format for plotting timeline

static _get_birth_death_range(birth: int, death: int, alive: bool) str#

Coerces birth and death years into string format

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#

src.visualise.random_forest_plots module#

Plotting classes for random forest model, e.g. heatmaps, feature importance.

class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.BarPlotCategoryImportances(importances: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates barplot showing average importance of feature category

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': None, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['Swing', 'Complexity', 'Feel', 'Interaction', 'Tempo']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
ERROR_KWS = {'capsize': 5, 'color': '#000000', 'elinewidth': 2, 'ls': 'none', 'markeredgewidth': 2, 'zorder': 5}#
_create_plot() Axes#

Creates all plots in seaborn with given arguments

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level attributes

_format_ticks() None#

Sets tick values to the color assigned to each predictor category

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
hatches = {'Complexity': '\\', 'Feel': '|', 'Interaction': '-', 'Swing': '/', 'Tempo': '+'}#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.BarPlotFeatureImportances(importances: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates barplot showing importance of all features

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': None, 'estimator': <function mean>, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['Swing', 'Complexity', 'Feel', 'Interaction', 'Tempo']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
ERROR_KWS = {'capsize': 5, 'color': '#000000', 'elinewidth': 2, 'ls': 'none', 'markeredgewidth': 2, 'zorder': 5}#
_create_plot() Axes#

Creates all plots in seaborn with given arguments

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level properties

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level attributes

_format_ticks() None#

Sets colors for predictor ticks to their category

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
hatches = {'Complexity': '\\', 'Feel': '|', 'Interaction': '-', 'Swing': '/', 'Tempo': '+'}#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.CountPlotMissingValues(predictors_df, category_mapping, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a bar plot showing the percentage of missing values for each predictor

BAR_KWS = {'capsize': 0.1, 'dodge': False, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'errorbar': None, 'hue_order': dict_keys(['Swing', 'Complexity', 'Feel', 'Interaction', 'Tempo']), 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'width': 0.8, 'zorder': 3}#
_create_plot() Axes#

Creates the main axis object: percentage of missing values

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters

_format_df(pred_df: DataFrame) DataFrame#

Formats the provided dataframe pred_df into the correct format for plotting

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.HeatMapFeatureCorrelation(features: DataFrame, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a (triangular) heatmap showing the correlation between different predictor features

HEAT_KWS = {'annot': True, 'annot_kws': {'size': 18}, 'cbar_kws': {'label': 'Correlation ($r$)'}, 'cmap': 'vlag', 'fmt': '.2f', 'linecolor': '#FFFFFF', 'linewidths': 1.0, 'vmax': 1, 'vmin': -1}#
LINE_KWS = {'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
TEXT_KWS = {'fontsize': 27.0, 'ha': 'right', 'rotation': 0, 'va': 'top'}#
_add_text_to_triangle() None#

Adds text to the triangle plot

_create_plot() Axes#

Creates main plotting object

_format_ax() None#

Formats axis-level parameters

_format_cax() None#

Sets parameters for the color bar

_format_corr_labels(lim: float = 0.5) None#

Hides correlation text if values of r below given absolute limit lim

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

_format_tick_labels() None#

Sets colors for predictor tick values to their given category

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.HeatMapPredictionProbDendro(prob_df, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a heatmap of probabilities for all pianists in a dataset, with attached clustering dendrogram

DENDRO_KWS = {'above_threshold_color': '#000000', 'color_threshold': 0, 'no_labels': False, 'truncate_mode': None}#
MODEL_KWS = {'distance_threshold': 0, 'linkage': 'average', 'metric': 'precomputed', 'n_clusters': None}#
PAL = [[0.9580211818737975, 0.8501356431005291, 0.877101648116473], [0.955171839712585, 0.8415374240303407, 0.8736946272095586], [0.9512844932165598, 0.8306464329955993, 0.8697166726823993], [0.9478884723961996, 0.8218246986542052, 0.8667478638501572], [0.9432510664088574, 0.8106685207858567, 0.8632863404249106], [0.9392013111857155, 0.8016453063819227, 0.8607018249439392], [0.9336792460992013, 0.7902494473754927, 0.8576793511036892], [0.9288675055384978, 0.7810431689566265, 0.8554089900345787], [0.9223247801972811, 0.7694276349378844, 0.8527272291989232], [0.9166416838919914, 0.7600514535538325, 0.8506835112348358], [0.908940783741381, 0.7482284944597425, 0.8482215390898507], [0.9022755558662785, 0.7386883123029254, 0.8462980788342536], [0.8932767987288097, 0.7266596199400949, 0.843910192030774], [0.8855164505347134, 0.7169515555397499, 0.8419796609321726], [0.8750765440408986, 0.7047046760243042, 0.8394922859072622], [0.8661043006428414, 0.6948117758207528, 0.8374034319249332], [0.8540737278478931, 0.6823153498232009, 0.8346105866344263], [0.843766300585397, 0.6722031398767139, 0.8321837819457866], [0.8299849094750271, 0.6594003287549722, 0.8288401817311974], [0.8182079663799163, 0.6490105365535362, 0.8258605486703084]]#
_add_pianist_images() None#

Adds images corresponding to each pianist along the plot

_create_dendrogram() None#

Creates the dendrogram and attaches to the top of the plot

_create_plot() None#

Creates both the agglomerative clustering dendrogram and the confusion matrix heatmap

_fit_agg() AgglomerativeClustering#

Fits the agglomerative clustering model with the given parameters

_format_annotations() None#

Format annotations to only show those along the diagonal, i.e. ‘hits’

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for the main heatmap and the colorbar

_format_ax_ticks() None#

Sets tick labels for all axis

_format_dax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters for the dendrogram

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
img_loc = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/references/images/musicians'#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.HistPlotFirstLastP(acc_scores, first_acc, last_acc, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Histogram plot of the probabilities resulting from the Monte Carlo permutation test

FILL_KWS = {'alpha': 0.4, 'edgecolor': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2}#
KDE_BW = 0.3#
KDE_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2, 'zorder': 5}#
TEXT_KWS = {'bbox': {'boxstyle': 'round', 'edgecolor': 'black', 'facecolor': 'wheat', 'linewidth': 2}}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates the main plotting object

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

_get_kde() tuple#

Creates the kernel density estimate, fits to the data, and standardizes

_get_pval(acc: float) float#

Returns the proportion of values below the given accuracy score acc

static _slice_kde(x, y, acc) tuple#

Slice the KDE results between the given points

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.RegPlotCareerJazzProgress(model_df, cat_mapping, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

N_JOBS = -1#
REG_KWS = {'color': '#000000', 'linewidth': 4, 'ls': '-'}#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph


This function should contain the code for formatting the objects


This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

ax = None#
bootstrap(data_, predict_) DataFrame#
categories = ['Feel', 'Complexity', 'Swing', 'Tempo']#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
static fit_model(data_, predict_)#
g = None#
get_line(model, mean)#
markers = ['o', 'o', 'o', 'o']#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
palette = [(0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313), (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725), (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765), (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353)]#
predictors = ['drums_prop_async_nanmean', 'n_onsets_std', 'bur_log_mean', 'missing_beats_perc']#
xspace = array([0.        , 0.01010101, 0.02020202, 0.03030303, 0.04040404,        0.05050505, 0.06060606, 0.07070707, 0.08080808, 0.09090909,        0.1010101 , 0.11111111, 0.12121212, 0.13131313, 0.14141414,        0.15151515, 0.16161616, 0.17171717, 0.18181818, 0.19191919,        0.2020202 , 0.21212121, 0.22222222, 0.23232323, 0.24242424,        0.25252525, 0.26262626, 0.27272727, 0.28282828, 0.29292929,        0.3030303 , 0.31313131, 0.32323232, 0.33333333, 0.34343434,        0.35353535, 0.36363636, 0.37373737, 0.38383838, 0.39393939,        0.4040404 , 0.41414141, 0.42424242, 0.43434343, 0.44444444,        0.45454545, 0.46464646, 0.47474747, 0.48484848, 0.49494949,        0.50505051, 0.51515152, 0.52525253, 0.53535354, 0.54545455,        0.55555556, 0.56565657, 0.57575758, 0.58585859, 0.5959596 ,        0.60606061, 0.61616162, 0.62626263, 0.63636364, 0.64646465,        0.65656566, 0.66666667, 0.67676768, 0.68686869, 0.6969697 ,        0.70707071, 0.71717172, 0.72727273, 0.73737374, 0.74747475,        0.75757576, 0.76767677, 0.77777778, 0.78787879, 0.7979798 ,        0.80808081, 0.81818182, 0.82828283, 0.83838384, 0.84848485,        0.85858586, 0.86868687, 0.87878788, 0.88888889, 0.8989899 ,        0.90909091, 0.91919192, 0.92929293, 0.93939394, 0.94949495,        0.95959596, 0.96969697, 0.97979798, 0.98989899, 1.        ])#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.RegPlotPredictorsCareerProgress(model_df, cat_mapping, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates regression plots showing associations between career progress and individual predictors

REG_KWS = {'ci': 95, 'color': '#000000', 'line_kws': {'linewidth': 4, 'ls': '-'}, 'n_boot': 10000, 'scatter': False}#
TEXT_KWS = {'bbox': {'boxstyle': 'round', 'edgecolor': 'black', 'facecolor': 'wheat', 'linewidth': 2}}#
_create_plot() None#

Creates the main plotting objects: scatter and regression plots for each predictor

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
categories = ['Feel', 'Tempo', 'Swing', 'Complexity', 'Interaction']#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
markers = ['o', 's', 'D', '^', 'p']#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
palette = [(0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313), (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353), (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765), (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725), (0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392)]#
predictors = ['drums_prop_async_nanmean', 'tempo', 'bur_log_mean', 'n_onsets_mean', 'coupling_piano_drums']#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.RocPlotLogRegression(y_true: array, y_predict: array, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a plot showing the receiver-operator curve from true and predicted values from a logistic regression

_create_plot() Axes#

Creates the main plotting object using the function in sklearn

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level parameters

_format_fig() None#

Sets figure-level parameters

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
class src.visualise.random_forest_plots.StripPlotLogitCoeffs(logit_md, category_mapping, **kwargs)#

Bases: BasePlot

Creates a ‘forest plot’ showing coefficients obtained from the logistic regression model

ERROR_KWS = {'capsize': 5, 'color': '#000000', 'elinewidth': 2, 'linestyle': 'none', 'lw': 2, 'markeredgewidth': 2}#
LEGEND_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'framealpha': 1, 'frameon': True}#
STRIP_KWS = {'edgecolor': '#000000', 'hue_order': ['Feel', 'Tempo', 'Swing', 'Complexity', 'Interaction'], 'linewidth': 2, 'zorder': 5}#

Adds in p-values for a given y-axis value row

_create_plot() None#

Creates the forest plot

_format_ax() None#

Sets axis-level properties

_format_df(logit_md) DataFrame#

Coerces logistic regression output into correct format for plotting

_format_fig() None#

Formats figure-level parameters

_format_legend() None#

Formats axis legend

static _format_p(pval: float) str#

Returns correct number of asterisks for a given significance level corresponding to input pval

_format_yticks() None#

Formats y-axis ticks by setting them to their correct color for a given category

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
palette = [(0.17254901960784313, 0.6274509803921569, 0.17254901960784313), (0.5803921568627451, 0.403921568627451, 0.7411764705882353), (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765), (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725), (0.8392156862745098, 0.15294117647058825, 0.1568627450980392)]#

src.visualise.visualise_utils module#

Utility classes, functions, and variables used specifically in the visualisation process

class src.visualise.visualise_utils.BasePlot(**kwargs)#

Bases: object

Base plotting class from which all others inherit

_create_plot() None#

This function should contain the code for plotting the graph

_format_ax() None#

This function should contain the code for formatting the objects

_format_fig() None#

This function should contain the code for formatting the self.fig objects

ax = None#
create_plot() tuple#

Calls plot creation, axis formatting, and figure formatting classes, then saves in the decorator

df = None#
fig = None#
g = None#
output_dir = 'c:\\python projects\\jazz-corpus-analysis/reports/figures'#
src.visualise.visualise_utils.create_output_folder(out: str) str#

Create a folder to store the plots, with optional subdirectory. Out should be a full system path

src.visualise.visualise_utils.plot_decorator(plotter: callable) callable#

Decorator applied to any plotting function: creates a folder, saves plot, closes the folder cleanly, and exits

Module contents#