Code for generating plots that combine all performance success metrics
Generates all plots in this file, with required arguments and inputs |
Creates a barplot comparing criteria across models with a different number of predictors |
Creates a barplot showing regression coefficients and confidence intervals for numerous multiple regression models |
Creates an R-style paired plot, showing correlation and distribution of four variables (tempo slope, ioi variability, asynchrony rms, and subjective success). |
Creates a pointplot showing bootstrapped mean for each level of latency and jitter predictor variables |
Creates a pointplot showing bootstrapped mean differences in variables across each experimental session. |
Creates an R-style regression table for all performance success metrics. |
- src.visualise.all_metrics_graphs.generate_all_metrics_plots(mds: list[src.analyse.phase_correction_models.PhaseCorrectionModel], output_dir: str) None
Generates all plots in this file, with required arguments and inputs